DVD Studio Pro - Standard SD DVD Video Zone Files

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Standard SD DVD Video Zone Files

The following groups of files are present in the video zone of all SD DVD-Video titles.

Video Manager Group
The video manager files contain much of the navigation information for the title.

VIDEO_TS.IFO: Contains the major information for the disc, such as its capacity and

video zone structure.

VIDEO_TS.BUP: This is a backup of the .IFO file that can be used by the DVD player if

the .IFO file cannot be read.

VIDEO_TS.VOB: This is the video objects file for the video manager.


Chapter 22

Finishing a Project

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Track Content Group
A set of at least four files is created for each track and slideshow in the project. “VTS_01”
in the following filename examples refers to the first VTS block. Files for the second VTS
block would start with “VTS_02.” You can have up to 99 tracks, stories, and slideshows in
a project.

Note: While stories do not get placed in their own VTS block, they still count against the
99 VTS limit.

Video object files (VOB) contain the actual video, audio, and subtitle content for the menus
and tracks. The maximum size of each VOB file is 1 GB. Within each track content group
there are at least two VOB files—one that is dedicated to menu content and another (up
to eight more) with the track’s contents.

VTS_01_0.IFO: Contains the major information for the first track, such as the number

and types of streams and menus.

VTS_01_0.BUP: This is the backup for the .IFO file.

VTS_01_0.VOB: Contains the video and audio content for the menus. The properties

of the audio and video used in the menus within a VOB must be the same. If your
project has menus using different properties, they are placed in other VTS blocks
(VTS_02_0.VOB, for example). See

VTS Editor

for more information on menus and VTS


VTS_01_1.VOB: Contains the video and audio content for the track. If the content is

greater than 1 GB, a second file (VTS_01_2.VOB) is created for that additional content.
Up to seven additional files can be created if required to hold the track’s contents.