About the Overlay Colors
Overlays can contain up to four colors. A peculiar feature of overlays is that the colors
used to create them are not the colors that are displayed when viewers see the menu.
The overlay only identifies the areas on the screen where highlights are to be applied—not
the color or transparency of the highlights. You define the actual colors viewers see when
you create the menu.
When you use the simple overlay method, everything in the overlay graphic must be one
of two colors: the white background that is set to be transparent and the black highlight
graphic to which you assign a color and transparency. If you add an element to the overlay
that has a soft glow around it or has been anti-aliased, the areas of the element that are
not white or black will appear with additional highlight colors (controlled by the advanced
overlay color mapping settings). In this case, you should either correct the graphic or use
the advanced overlay method which allows you to control all of the highlight colors.
The elements in an advanced overlay use up to four different colors. This gives you the
ability to use multiple highlight colors for a button or create pseudo-soft edges and to
take advantage of anti-aliased edges. See
Creating Advanced Overlays
for more