DVD Studio Pro - Background Matte Movie

background image

Background Matte Movie

The background matte movie can be used in one of two different ways:

• It can be used in conjunction with the asset movie to control which areas of the screen

should show the start frame video and which should show the end frame video.

• It can be used as the only movie in the transition assets folder to provide a wipe

transition. As when used with the asset movie, the background matte movie controls
which areas of the screen should show the start frame video and which should show
the end frame video.

The background matte movie must have the same name as the transition asset folder,
followed by “-backgroundMatte” and can have an extension. For example, if the transition
asset folder’s name is Spinning DVD, the background matte movie could be named
Spinning DVD-backgroundMatte.mov.

The white areas define
where the start frame
background video

The black areas define
where the end frame
background video

The background matte movie needs to be monochrome, with white identifying where
the start frame video appears, and black identifying where the end frame video appears.
As a general rule, the background matte movie should start with a full white screen and
end with a full black screen. You can also use levels in between white and black to set a
transparency and add soft edges.