Additional Columns You Can Add
You can add the following additional columns to the Assets tab.
• Location: Applies to all asset types. Displays the asset’s actual filename and location
within your system.
• Timestamp: Applies to video and audio asset types. Displays the timecode value of the
first frame.
• Channels: Applies to audio assets. Displays the number of audio channels contained
in the file.
• Dimensions: Applies to video and still assets. Displays the size of the image in pixels
(before rescaling, if applicable).
• Layers: Applies to still assets. Displays the number of layers the still contains.
• Bit Depth: Applies to still assets. Displays the number of bits the still contains.
Chapter 11
Importing and Managing Assets
• Aspect: Applies to video and still assets. For video assets, displays the aspect ratio of
the asset (4:3 or 16:9). For still assets, shows whether the asset is being rescaled to fit
the video aspect ratio (Retain) or is displaying actual pixels (blank).
• Markers: Applies to video assets. Displays the number of chapter markers the video