DVD Studio Pro - Formatting Your Project

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Formatting Your Project

Once you have built your project and set the preformat properties, you are ready to
format it. The format process creates an output formatted for your output type:

• A DVD burning drive

• A DLT drive

• A hard disk

Each output type has its own settings that need to be configured before the actual format
process begins.


Chapter 22

Finishing a Project

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In addition to the VIDEO_TS or HVDVD_TS folder, there are other items that can be part
of the format process:

• A folder specified by the DVD-ROM content setting

• DVD@CCESS Installers

You can change or set the folder to use for DVD-ROM content either when specifying the
preformat settings or while configuring the format process. The DVD@CCESS Installers
are included if the project used DVD@CCESS links and the Embed Text Data checkbox in
the Disc Inspector is selected. See


for more information on DVD@CCESS.

You can also choose to read content from a DLT drive and format that content. See

Reading a DLT Drive

for more information.