DVD Studio Pro - SPRM 4: Current Playing Title Number

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SPRM 4: Current Playing Title Number

Each track, story, and slideshow element in your project is a title. You can have up to 99
titles in your project. All of these are assigned numbers based on their order in the Outline
tab’s By VTS display. SPRM 4 shows the number for the currently playing element.

If your project does not have stories, the VTS number shown in the Outline tab’s By VTS
display matches the SPRM 4 value. Because stories are not placed in their own VTS,
including them in your project affects the SPRM 4 values. For example, you could have
a project with two tracks, with Track 1 in VTS 1 including 2 stories (Story 1 and Story 2)
and Track 2 in VTS 2. The SPRM 4 values for this project are:

• Track 1 = 1

• Story 1 = 2

• Story 2 = 3

• Track 2 = 4


Chapter 20

Creating Scripts