DVD Studio Pro - Pre-Scripts

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Tracks, stories, slideshows, and menus have pre-script settings. A pre-script is a normal
script that is run before the element plays or displays. It can be used to do things such
as decide whether to play the element or to configure the DVD player before it is played.
For example, you may have a pre-script assigned to a track that checks the DVD player’s
parental management setting to decide whether this track or a different one should play.

Pre-scripts only run if you jump to the root of the element (its name shown in square
brackets, or, in the Connections tab, the element’s name) they are assigned to.

Choose [Track] to have
a pre-script assigned
to this track run when
it is jumped to.

Connect to the element’s
name to have the
pre-script run.


Chapter 20

Creating Scripts

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For example, when you assign a connection to a menu, you can choose to jump to a
specific button or to the menu root with no button specified (using the [Menu] selection).
A pre-script assigned to a menu only runs if the element that jumped to it had [Menu]
selected. If the jump selected a specific button on the menu, the pre-script is skipped.

Similarly, a pre-script on a track or story does not run if you jump directly to a marker.
With slideshows, the pre-script does not run if you jump directly to a slide.

In all cases, if you want the pre-script to run, you must jump to the root of the element,
indicated by the square brackets.

If an element is also configured with a display condition, the pre-script runs first, and then
the display condition.

Note: Unlike pre-scripts, display conditions run when any part of an element is connected